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Pokemon emerald 100 save file gba

Download Pokemon emerald 100 save file gba

A small manual for download:
  • Click "Download Now" image upwards.
  • Here is the link Pokemon emerald 100 save file gba if the image doesnt shows
  • Then, after you click the image you'll go to the 100% protected site where your download will start shortly
  • The small window should appear. Click RUN, and thats all. Just follow the instructions of the installer.

Pokemon Emerald Save File Collection (GBA). If you had played GBA games before, i think you're familiar with this game. Today i want to gga collection pokemon emerald 100 save file gba Pokemon Emerald Save File (SAV Format).

There are total 4 emerld file. Here is the description of each SAV file Player�s Name: Pspjunkie420Game Process: 100% Pokedex is completed and all legendaries and Pokemon in PC !Player�s Name: LazerBoyEXEGame�Process: 100%Game FULLY clearedHave BOTH bikes in bagHave ?2 PokeballsHave ?0 HMs/TMsLITERALLY caught ALL Pokemon, all level 100Gold/4-star trainer cardMy awesome Pokemon in party with awesome namesAnd last, a BOX FILLED WITH SHINIES!!!Player�s name: T.O.R.N.A.D.OGame�Process: 90%2-Star Trainer Card.

i.e A Copper Card.Completed Hoenn Dex.Went to the respective islands of Legendary using their respective passes.Have event Jirachi (Colosseum Bonus Disc) and Celebi (JAA).Won Beauty and Smartness contests.Have a painting of my Pokemoon in Lilycove Museum.Player�s name: TAYLORGame Process: 10%Playing time : 0:46Number of Badges: 0Location: Route 104, right pokemoj Petalburg Woods � heading to Rustboro, HoennTeam: Mudkip, LV 10, water Gun learnt � useful in Rustboro GymPokemon in box: NoAdditional information: I have Pokedex acquired, first battle with Maycompleted, Wally already catched Ralts.

I�m heading to Rustboro City forchallenging Roxanne.How to Use SAV File� Open Visual Boy Advance� Load the Szve Click on File > Import > Battery File.� A window will open, through that open this file.� The ROM will reset and my in-game save will appear. NOTE: This Savefile will replace your current save file. Remember to make a backupfirst. 3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� Sage Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Aave NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. More� Home� Summary� Release Data� Game Credits� Also Playing� Collection Stats� Game Pokemkn FAQs� Cheats� Saves� Reviews� Reader Reviews� Gbq Reviews� Images� Videos� Answers� Board Save Game File02/26/12Zeek105128K1584 MasterballsSave Game File12/29/05ZeroWeapon128K2 Flie Trainer Card.

Beaten Elite 4 twice and won all Master Rank Contests w/ In-game Team. All normally available Secret Base items bought w/ all Starter Pokemon Dolls and Glass OrnamentSave Game File04/18/06Maltiriel64K4 Celebis & 3 Jirachis in Box 9, NO CHEATS. Celebis are from JAA, Jirachis from Colosseum bonus disk.

Also a Lugia from XD. Have Nat'l safe and +100 Pokes so can trade with all games. Male trainer named Jarod.Save Game File12/13/14Uiopqwer12364K4 Gym Badges.

Pokemon: Lvl 29 Kirlia, Lvl 32 Marshtomp, Lvl 30 SwellowSave Game File12/29/06greenshow222128K59 Pokemon in Pokedex Several Legendaries. All Pokemon are Legimite. Gender is Boy. Saved at Navel Rock.Save Game File08/13/06Azmeaiel64KBattle with deoxies, all starters, e4 beaten, 1 masterball, 8 badges, minimal cheats.Save Game File08/05/05pokemon_zero64KBoy, name Zero, fiile 3 starter pokemon, each holding "lucky egg",items: RareCandy, Protein, Iron, Hp up, Carbos, Fule, zinc, pp max, masterballs 25 of each plus 500 more in pc.

location oldale town go north for 1st fight with MaySave Game File08/13/06Azmeaiel64KFaraway island mew battle, bba press A! e4 beaten all badges gained.

minimal cheats all starters. 1 masterballSave Game File05/02/05EnToPan64KFinished 147 dex, 76 owned, legendaries.Save Game File09/22/05polar bear128KFor the ultimate battle frontier experience! Lots of shiny pokemon (including legendaries) with max IVs, proper EV spreads, and killer movesets courtesy of Pokemon Maker. Saved at the battle tower with huge winning streaks.Save Game File04/04/07AdeptLee64KGame FULLY cleared, NO CHEATS boy(LEE) saved at your room. Gold Trainer CardSave Game File06/21/05bentran89128KGender: Boy Name: Brendan Status: 7th badge, Mosdeep Very Strong (maximum ev trained) Sceptile, Absol, Slaking, and Ludicolo, vile unhacked too!Save Game File06/03/11miko2361964KLegends in party and lvl.

100 many items. Good save file. =)Save Game File12/22/05navi247128KLots of pokemon including all legendaries except the regis. Saved at the battle frontier with everything with a silver medal and a couple with gold.Save Game File10/04/06sora_kybld64KName: Brendan, Full Pokedex, 5 Asve Symbols, ejerald Silver Symbol, 8 Badges, Many Shiny and legendary PokemonSave Game File09/14/04XxThunderxX128KName: EMERA Pokemon: MudkipSave Game File08/10/06GameFreak199119128KName: Terri Pokemon leauge Complete And Some Battle Frontier Symbols Obtained, Pokemon emerald 100 save file gba Max Stat pokemon In PartySave Game File08/26/05HackMan312128KParty has 3 shiny kanto starters (lvl5) with lucky eggs held at first pokecenter, and a treecko in PC, name: EmerlSave Game File12/31/14Uiopqwer123128KPokemon Emerald Elite 4 BeatenSave Game File05/08/05XxThunderxX128KSharked Game Save.

Name: EMERALD. Gender: Male. Located on Birth Island. Press A to finish the Triangle Puzzle and fiel Deoxys in it's Speed Forme (Level 30). Masterballs in Bag.Save Game File05/08/05XxThunderxX128KSharked Game Save. Name: EMERALD. Gender: Male. Located on Faraway Island. Find Mew in the Grass Wave to catch it (Level 30). Masterball fils Bag. Lose to your rival in Lilycove City to get back to Littleroot 010 Game File05/08/05XxThunderxX128KSharked Game Save.

Name: EMERALD. Gender: Male. Located on Navel Rock. Climb up the mountain to find Ho-oh and catch it (Level 70), climb down to find Lugia and catch it (Level 70). Masterballs emdrald Bag.Save Game File05/01/05XxThunderxX128KTrainer Name: Emerald, Gender: Boy, Pokemon: Mudkip, Potion in Bag.

Saved after rescuing Professor Birch.Save Game File05/01/05XxThunderxX128KTrainer Name: Emerald, Gender: Boy, Pokemon: Torchic, Potion in Bag. Saved after rescuing Professor Birch.Save Game File05/01/05XxThunderxX128KTrainer Name: Emerald, Gender: Boy, Pokemon: Treecko, Potion in Bag. Saved after rescuing Professor Birch.Save Game File05/01/05XxThunderxX128KTrainer Name: Emerald, Gender: Girl, Pokemon: Mudkip, Potion in Bag.

Saved after rescuing Professor Birch.Save Game File05/01/05XxThunderxX128KTrainer Name: Emerald, Gender: Girl, Pokemon: Torchic, Potion in Bag. Saved after rescuing Professor Birch.Save Game File05/01/05XxThunderxX128KTrainer Name: Emerald, Gender: Girl, Pokemon: Treecko, Potion in Bag. Saved after rescuing Professor Birch.Save Game File08/12/11javedrockzz64Kulimate pack - FULL pokedex completes,2star trainer card, all battle frontier in GOLD symbols,8 badges,all legendary pokemon in box 14(greek),minimum cheats,party pokemon all stats #999(speed=999 etc)Save Game File05Got bored, and decided to put a TON of work into creating what I believe is an epic/ultimate save file for this rom.

All pokemon are "legit", meaning no weird Mewtwos obtained at level 5, everything is either hatched from pokemon emerald 100 save file gba egg, or captured legitly. Complete Pokedex. Every pokemon in it's final form, at level 100, with max IVs/Evs, Max stats (the highest they can go legitly), awesome move sets using egg moves etc. Trainers name is Eric, all badges won, all legendaries etc. If enough requests are made I'll provide a download link!Download Emeraod Upgraded to 99% Save File: help in transferring save file see this video:Gameboid: I got Jirachi and Celebi?

: this is my Emerald 90% (or 100%) save file. I reduced 10% because of following reasons.1. Didn't complete National Dex.2. Didn't fight Steven yet.3. Didn't have all Battle Frontier Gold Symbols.4. Never encountered a Shiny Pokemon in my playtime.5. After completing the Dex, haven't chosen the Johto starters.So now I come pokemonn the features of my Filee File.1. 2-Star Trainer Card. dile A Copper Card.2.

Completed Hoenn Dex.3. Went to the respective islands of Emmerald using their respective passes.4. Have event Jirachi (Colosseum Bonus Disc) and Celebi (JAA).5. Won Beauty and Smartness contests.6. Have a painting of my Gardevoir in Lilycove Museum.The following are the only cheats which I used polemon my Save.1.

Mystic Ticket.2. Aurora Ticket.3. Eon Ticket.4. Old Sea Map.5. Mach Bike.6. Mirage Island.LINK: � HOME� SAVES� Saves NDS� Saves GBA� Saves GB/GBC� � Jogos/ROMS� ROMS NDS� ROMS GBA� HACK-ROMS� ROMS PT-BR� 3DS ROMS� PC GAMES� N64/GC/Wii� HACK-ROMS� Emuladores� PC WINDOWS� ANDROID� Outros Emu� TUTORIAIS� CHEATS� 1000 dos primeiros post do blogfoi o post fipe saves de GBA,como ele esta desorganizado, criei um novo ecolocarei mais saves.**Como passar Pokemon destes saves para o meu?Clique nos tutoriais abaixo de acordo com o seu emulador:Tutorial Trocas com VBA(PC)Tutorial Trocas com My Boy(Android)I-O que sao saves?Save e o arquivo que ficagravado o progresso do jogador ao decorrer do jogo,Insignias,Pokemoncapturados, itens,enfim tudo o que o jogador fez.II-Comousa-los?>>Siga este tutorial<

DOWNLOADJogo: Pokemon Fire Red Save (7)Nome do Trainer: Best(Enviado por Best Player)Cheats: Nao.Pokemons Obtidos: 169Descricao:Pokedex de Kanto completa, algunspokemons da 2� Gen capturados e Raikou, missoes das ilhas completas, incialSquirtle.DOWNLOADJogo: Pokemon Fire Red Save ( 8)Nome do Trainer: Ash(Enviado por kennedy)Cheats: Sim (Capturar pokemon,masterbal ,itens,etc).Pokemons Obtidos: 386Descricao:Todos os Pokemon capturados, a maioria gbq cheats.DOWNLOAD Jogo: Pokemon Fire Red Save (9)Nome do Trainer: PingTal (Enviado por Lucas Caon)Cheats: Sim.Pokemons Obtidos:62Descricao: Zerado, national dex obtida, trocas emetald (ruby esafira), todos lendarios capturados menos raikou e mew (mewtwo, zapdos,articuno, moltres, pokeon, deoxys e lugia), inicial squirtle. Descricao: Zerado,national dex,varios Pokemon obtidos por troca,varios lendarios sem cheats(exceto os de evento Lugia,Oh-oh e Mew, que foi usado cheat para ir na illha especifica de cada um),tres caes lendarios, trio Regis.Equipe de Pokemon lv 100 sem cheat. Lukas 22 de junho de 2015 23:49Simples ,a pessoa tem seu saveao vai e inicia um novo jogo em outro save ,pega o inicial e chega ate a parte do jogo que permite ir aave centro pokemon ,que leva uns 15 minutos ate chegar nessa parte ,ai ele faz a troca com o save principal e descarta esse ,e faz o vile ate ter os tres iniciais ,ja fiz muito opkemon Excluir Anonimo 10 de julho de 2015 13:44Muito Obrigado por disponibilizar esses saves e roms,eu jogo Pokemon Fire Red no emulador "my boy"e estou emersld completando toda a pokedex com a ajuda dos arquivos deste blog e usando o sistema de troca que e possivel de fazer pelo emulador.Valeu mesmo.

Responder Excluir Unknown 29 de setembro de 2015 04:41Nao to conseguindo coloca o Save no fasso o download do Save,e pego o Save e coloco no MY BOY, Quando inicio o jogo nao vai.Como fasso! Alguem Ajuda?Responder Excluir Lgprogames 6 de outubro de 2015 21:10EU TENHO UM OTIMO SAVE DE POKEMON FIRE.DESCRICAO:INICIAL: CHARMANDER (AGORA CHARIZARD LV.

80)POKEDEX NACIONAL COMPLETATODOS OS POKEMONS COM SUA MAXIMA EVOLUCAO.SEM CHEAT.MAIS DE 800K DE POKEDOLLARS.TODOS OS LENDARIOS CAPTURADOS (ZAPDOS LV 81, ARTICUNO LV. 51, MOLTRES LV 51)SUICUNE CAPTURADO. filee 65).TODOS OS UNOWNS CAPTURADOS.REMATCH COM A ELITE DOS QUATRO GANHO.TODOS OS DESAFIOS DA TRAINER TOWER CONCLUIDOS.NATIONAL POKEDEX INCOMPLETA.SE VOCE QUISER SO ME ADICIONAR NO FACEBOOK QUE CONVERSAMOS SOBRE O SAVE: Responder Excluir Paullo Chaves 18 de outubro de 2015 23:19Amigo, esses salves terminam com .SAV e o emulador my boy so aceita os com final de .st1, toda vez que vou mudar filw final de .SAV para .st1 pelo pc aparece uma mensagem que o save ficou inutil e eave my boy nao identifica o save, tem como mudar o formato do save sem dar esse erro?

Responder Excluir Lukas 19 de outubro de 2015 00:17Amigo ,vx ta confundindo ,isso que VC ta falando e save state ,que e um save instantaneo feito pelo emulador e e compativel so com ele ,pois isso e um recurso presente no emulador ,no game boy por exemplo so pode salvar pelo jogo ,esse save original feito pelo menu do proprio jogo que e o .sav so esse e compativel com a maioria dos emuladores ,Resumindo esse .st1 e outro tipo de save ,pra criar um arquivo .sav tem q salvar pelo menu do jogo em start>save Excluir Andrews 25 de novembro de 2015 19:58tipo nao sei onde fica os saves depois da troca e por isso tbm nao sei se vai pegar no android pois os que baixei daqui nao pegou, so funciona no pc mesmo por favor me ajudem a completar a pokedez ifle Responder Excluir Isaque Rodrigues 26 de novembro de 2015 18:07Pokemon Esmeralda.

Pode ser com cheat. Eu queria so poder jogar a historia e zerar mais facil, eu nao consigo fazer cheats pelo celular. Tipo quero jogar normal so que mais facil. Se voce conseguir fazer pokemon emerald 100 save file gba faz assim : Cria com nome de Zack,What can I do to prevent this in the future?If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or polemon devices. Why not exchanging your Pokemon Emerald Save to everyone?

If you don�t have, just download and enjoy the save files of other people. The extension of save file pokemon emerald 100 save file gba .sav and Pokemon Emerald creates save file with 128 Kb.How to to use this Save file for VBA users:� Open Visual Boy Advance� Load the ROM.� Click on File > Import > Battery File.� A window will open, through that open this file.� The ROM will reset and my in-game save will appear.

NOTE: This Save file will replace your current fmerald file. Remember pokemon emerald 100 save file gba make a backup first.Game Save FilesPlayer�s Name: Pspjunkie420Game Process: 100% Pokedex is completed and all legendaries and Pokemon in PC !Download Save File from Pspjunkie420 Player�s Name: LazerBoyEXEGame�Process: 100%Game FULLY clearedHave BOTH bikes in bagHave ?2 PokeballsHave ?0 HMs/TMsLITERALLY caught ALL Pokemon, all level 100Gold/4-star trainer cardMy awesome Pokemon in party with awesome namesAnd last, a BOX FILLED WITH SHINIES!!!Download Pokemon Emerald Save File from LazerBoyEXEPlayer�s name: T.O.R.N.A.D.OGame�Process: 90%2-Star Trainer Card.

i.e A Copper Card.Completed Hoenn Dex.Went to the respective islands of Legendary using their respective passes.Have event Jirachi (Colosseum Bonus Disc) gab Celebi (JAA).Won Beauty and Smartness contests.Have a painting of my Gardevoir in Lilycove Museum.Download Pokemon Emerald Save File from T.O.R.N.A.D.OPlayer�s name: TAYLORGame Process: 10%Playing time : 0:46Number of Badges: 0Location: Route 104, right before Petalburg Woods � heading to Rustboro, HoennTeam: Mudkip, LV 10, water Gun learnt � useful in Rustboro GymPokemon in box: NoAdditional information: I have Pokedex acquired, first battle with May completed, Wally already catched Ralts.

I�m heading to Rustboro Opkemon for challenging Roxanne.Download Pokemon Emerald Save File from TaylorOkay, that�s all. If you want share your save, please use the Facebook comment below!!! Pokemon Emerald Cheats�Pokemon Emerald Gameshark Codes�Pokemon Emerald CodeBreaker Codes�Pokemon Emerald Action Replay Codes�Pokemon Emerald Game Save Files�Pokemon Emerald Unlockables, Glitches, Tricks, Tips�Pokemon Emerald Cheats�Pokemon Emerald Informations & Download�Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough FAQ (FULL)

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