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John legend dare to dream instrumental

Download John legend dare to dream instrumental

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It is illegal for you to distribute copyrighted files without permission. The media files you download with must be for time shifting, personal, private, non commercial use only and remove the files after listening.If one of this file is your intelectual property (copyright infringement) or child pornography / immature sounds, please send report or email to info[at] to us. Take one look at these small handsBend down with power that can move mountainsThere's much more ldgend store elgend we could understandI know we have to do anythingClose your eyes and visualizeNothing is impossible for those who tryJust the dream to fly as eagles fly across the skyI know we canSee the rainbow 'round us allHear the Angels when they callFind a john legend dare to dream instrumental to reach insideJust dare to dream and walk with pride, yeahHold on when a hope is goneRace may not begin to the swift or strongIt's given to instrumentao ones who can enjoy for longI know we careSee the rainbow 'round us allHear the Angels when they callFind a way to reach insideJust dare to dream, oh, we will riseRise up together and we'll go higherFind a step to make it through the fireJust dare to dream, I know we careSee the rainbow 'round us allHear the Angels when they callFind a way to reach insideDare to dream and walk with prideWe're together side by sideLet's find a way to reach insideWalk with pride, ohSee the rainbow 'round us allHear the Angels when they callFind a way to reach insideDare to dream and walk with prideWe're still together side by sideLet's find a way to reach inside El primer paso para cumplir Tus Suenos es.

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