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Lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points

Download Lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points

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  • Click "Download Now" image upwards.
  • Here is the link Lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points if the image doesnt shows
  • Then, after you click the image you'll go to the 100% protected site where your download will start shortly
  • The small window should appear. Click RUN, and thats all. Just follow the instructions of the installer.

What can I do to prevent this in the future?If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking ringss misconfigured or infected devices. Change values of unitsGame data filesWARNING THIS REQUIRES CHANGING GAME DATA FILES.

CREATE A BACKUP COPY BEFORE EDITING.To change the values of your units, you need to go into the computer directory where you installed the game, e.g. Cprogram fileslectronic artsbattle for middle earth.

Then locate the INI.BIG file and open it with notepad. When open, locate (use ctrl+f to open find) the line "GENERIC UNITS/STRUCTURES" and under this you will find the values for damage, move speed, heal delay, amount, health, build time and cost. This works for the characters, structures and baattle. Just scroll down and change as much or ynlimited little as you wish� Helms Deep (Evil Campaign)At all the levels before Helms Deep (where you can create wargs) build an army of wargs and upgrade them fully.

When it comes lofd Helms Deep follow the refugees to Helms Deep staying a little bit behind and when they get half way up the slope just run up to the gate and it should be open. Go straight through the gate and kill anyone inside, then destroy all buildings that can create units and destroy everthing else.(When it comes to killing the archers just run along the wall and it should kill them, if not run over them again).

If done properly you should complete the level before fangorn and rohan reinforcements arrive.� Elf WarIf you want to win as the elves it's very simple.

Just buy 5 battaions of Mirkwood archers and attack. Now for the fortress make 2 ents. Also buy the arrow upgrade for the Mirkwood archers so it's a one hit KO and now they can destroy buildings easily.� Easy Win at Cair AndorasSkirmish modeGet 6 battalions of archers and then upgrde them with fire arrows. Then send them into the Ruined Towers around your base. Then any attack toward you will be slaughtered!!� Easy win at Minas TirithGood Campaign, Batgle TirithWhen your on the good campaign and is about to go to Minas tirith, here's how to beat it.

Before even clicking on Minas Tirith, you should upgrade all battalions with heavy armaor and the archers with fire arrows. Then you must have the Rohirim allies in the spell bar.

Once in Minas Tirith, bring Faramirs army inside. Shut the lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points. On the wall build catapults on the two towers closest to the door. Then the rest should be in a pattern of catapults and towers. Also, Faramirs army should have at least 200 command points. First thing, put 4-6 soldier/knights on each side and 3-6 commznd on each side. Make sure their spread out and not that far away from the gate. Then build 3 farms bwttle the castle, a balcksmith, barracks, archery range, and workshop.

Then build two keeps at the two spots in front of un,imited gate. On the secoend level, just make 2 farms and a barrack and archery range. Put Boromir on the left wall and Gandalf on the right. Put Faromir and Pippin behind the gate. Once Mordor arrives, relax. Your archers will get rid of them.

Make sure your archers are unllmited the mordor archers, not the orcs. Once round two comes in with the catapults, use your Rohirim ability. Destroy the catapults. Unlimoted the trolls push the towers on the wall, your soldiers will handle them. Once the orcs calm their tower attack, the Nazgul and Grond try to open the gate.

Use the archers with fire arrows to destroy the nazgul. If Grond is already attacking the gate, use your archers to attack it. Use Gandalf's Light thingy To damage it and Faromirs arrow thing.

If it's destroyed before the gate is destroyed, your in luck. Keep on doing the routine until the Rohan army arrives. If it opens, pull all your soldiers off midlde wall and put them behind the gate. Hold them off for about 3 minutes, then retreat ckmmand the the second level. Once the Rohiriim arrive destroy th orcs around the building. If there in Minas Tirith, destroy them in there and bring the Gondor army back down to the the eings level.

Then hold them off. If the gate is shut, open the gate and bring the Rohan army in the rjngs and shut the gate. Destroy the fot that got in. Keep on holding them off on the wall. When the Mukamaki (big elephants), come, don't worry, they don't go close to the castle. If by some reason they do, shoot them with your archers and bring the rest of your army up to the second level. They ocmmand come in the castle, so be cautious. Once Aragorn comes, victory is almost yours.

Destroy the orcs and Mukamaki with the ghosts and then go to the camps and destroy all the buildings. If there are a lot of orcs in Minas Tirith, go in their first. Once the camps are destroyed, destroy therest of mordors army and victory is yours!� Get Trolls in FangronWhen playing as IsengardOn the way to the elven camp, if you have a sharp eye you we see a cave with smoke coming out of it.

Go up to it with at least one troop and three cave trolls will come out. These trolls are stronger than usual, but focus your trolls on the elves and your uruk crossbowmen on the ents.� HintsHelms Deep: get as many archers as you can and only aim for the ladders. don't put any around the gateError 403 : Access DeniedThe access to this location( /forums/6654/t904576-command-point-limits/)is denied.Please contact the webmaster if you think you should be allowed to view the information on this location.Otherwise, please return to the page you were lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points before. � games� popular� latest� indies� apps� VR� add game� mods� popular� latest� add mod� addons� popular� latest� upload� files� popular� te upload� videos� images� audio� articles� reviews� headlines� blogs� post article� engines� popular� latest� add engine� developers� popular� latest� add dev� groups� popular� latest� add group� forums� jobs� post job No unlomited were found matching the criteria specified.

We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Unlimited Command, and Power, Points May 19 2012Full Version 22 commentsCommand Larger Armies and stronger heroes! Now you can recreate your favourite scenes from the films; and books. Just replace the existing ini.big with.No files were found matching the criteria specified.

We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, pkints browse all available. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. I don't know if you still check this page or not, since this ffor a pretty old game and mod, but I'm having an issue. If I play skirmish as a faction that owns a special fortress (such as starting in the castle of Helms Deep, or the tower in Isengard) I don't gain the boosted Command points that this mod gives.

Just wondering if there's a way to fix that.Reply Good karma Bad karma commannd vote Hey has anyone found a way to make it so the computers still build? some reason every time I use anything that changed unlimited command points, they never build resource structures with this active! :(Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote In this tutorial I show you how to get infinite command points in BFME 2 RotWK without using a running third party engine or trainer.Link: remember to enjoy the HD that's not available. ���� The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king� 2006� ������ ���� ��� �� ������������ ��������� ����˳������ ���������� ������ YouTube�������� ����� �������� ����� ���� The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king� 2006� ������ ���� ��� �� ������������ ��������� ����˳������ ���������� ������ YouTube�������� ����� �������� ����� 3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. More� Home� Summary� Release Data� Game Credits� Also Playing� Collection Stats� FAQs� Cheats� Cheats� Achievements� Reviews� Reader Reviews� Critic Reviews� Images� Videos� Answers� Board Castles, statues, and faction resource buildings(farm, mine, etc) give you command points.

The highest cp count is 1000 but not available on all campaign maps. You can increase beyond that by building more units when your current units are weakened but the game slows down if you try to get too far above the limit. Also, resource buildings don't have to have any income to add unlimkted your cp but if they generate income they abttle up and allow you more cp. Command points are used to purchase troops.

OK, now you can get them from building farms for men/Gondor, Malloren Trees Elves, I think Tunnels and Tree cutters on the Goblins. For each Tree/Farm and so on you build you get 50 command points to use and than there is the CaP. it will look like this: 126/700. That means you cannot go over 700 command points. QuestionStatusWhat is btatle highest command limit?AnsweredHow do you receive more points to buy powers or is there a limit on how many you can get?UnresolvedHow do you make the enemy defend the castle e.g.

Minas Tirith without only using heroes?UnresolvedDoes this game have replay value?UnresolvedHow do you receive more points to buy powers or is there a limit on how many you can get?Unresolved Help / Contact Mdidle Change Colors� Blue (Default)� Blue on Black� Red� Red on Black� Green� Green on Black� Orange� Orange on Black� Purple� Commadn on Black� Cloudy Blue� Grayscale� Sepia� Cotton Candy Thanks for your suggestion, if is correct, how can i do it?p.s: You know what.

I really want to build a big army And i want to fight a lot of troops, like in the film.but i see that the ia (1 ai brutal) doesnt build a lot of units.i tried now, a custom map with 5000 cp and i faced batfle 25 min, just 11 units at once. 3 troll 2 mumakil and 7 hordes.but i want more.i want to face really big and huge armies! Cuz i love to play in a can eartu do to "teach" to ia to build huge armies?So actually baattle have now 2 questions1) The main question of my topic2) How can i do to tell to yhe to build huge armies?Edited by vegetassj2345, 13 November 2012 - 08:36 PM. Well, for number two, the AI WILL build lots of units.provided it has the resources to do so.

So I'd suggest boosting the resource eatth from your resource buildings (or shrinking the radius so that the AI can put more of them down).For number one, the easiest way to change the CP limit is (in my mind) just to tweak it in gamedata.ini. Simple and effective.Edited by acidRain, 13 November 2012 rinsg 09:27 PM. yeah but there is a problem.1) i changed the command bxttle limit and yes i can buid more units but just in custom maps not in normal normal standard ea maps i have the 1000 cp limit.So my question is how can i change this limit for standard ea maps???2) i'm not so expert in modding or better i can mod but with detalied maybe how can i shrink the ai radius?

can u tell me step by step how to do this? maybe i can also tell the ai to build 5 troll cages instead of two so with more resource buildings command more troop buildings the ai can produce a really huge amount of units?

(if this is a good idea i would want also for this a step by lor explanation)Thanks for the explanation?Edited by vegetassj2345, 14 November 2012 - 12:14 PM. yeah but there is a problem.1) i changed the command point limit and yes i can buid more units but just in custom maps not in normal normal standard ea maps i have the 1000 cp limit.So my question is how can i change this limit for standard ea maps???You ringx change the limit in ring game.

Before launching the map, allow more commandpoints in the menu. You could change the limit in the game. Before launching the map, allow more commandpoints in the menu.True. You can also enable "unlimited" command points (100X is essentially lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points on the in-game menu.As to changing the lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points of the resource builder, you have to go into the resource-builder code and find this:Behavior = TerrainResourceBehavior ModuleTag_NewMoneyRadius = SH_GENERIC_RESOURCE_GATHERER_RADIUSMaxIncome = SH_GENERIC_RESOURCE_GATHERER_MONEY_AMOUNTIncomeInterval = SH_GENERIC_RESOURCE_GATHERER_MONEY_TIMEUpgrade = Upgrade_MarketplaceUpgradeGrandHarvestUpgradeBonusPercent = SH_GONDOR_GRANDHARVEST_PRODUCTION_INCREASE %UpgradeMustBePresent = ANY +GondorMarketPlaceEndHere, I've replaced the gathering radius (the amount of space on the map that each resource-builder takes up) lird my own poinnts I've done the same with the money amount and how much time the money takes to spawn.

Lor single resource un,imited in my mod (on good and evil sides) uses these values. To change the radius to make it smaller (the default value is rinfs, I think), just knock the number down to 150 or even 100. Both you and the AI will be able to put down more.As to editing what the AI actually builds (five troll cages, for instance).I'm not so very experienced with AI scripting.

I'd advise xommand up AI-scripting tutorials. You may be able to change the production of units by changing the base, as acidRain recommends. This is controlled in the .big file Bases. Inside there are .bse files which control what the AI builds. You can open them with Worldbuilder, though I've never tried to change them.But I'm not sure this would solve your problem, I think the AI would just build less, as in skirmishaidata.ini there are some percentages about how unoimited cp the AI should spend in each unit comkand each phase of the game.(The sky has fallen) � General� Home� News� Contact� Join us� Donate� Unlkmited Forums� Index� Revora� Community� Network� Members� Lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points General� Association� History� Staff� Technology� Hosting� About� Packages� Get Hosted� FAQ� Forum� Magazine� Information� Latest� Issues� Forum� Network� C&C Guild� The 3rd Age� IceForge� Poits Temple of Muses� Zig of Doom� Commandos HQ� Warhammer40k� Mini Divisions� 2011 Revora Association.Graphics by ShadySaiyan and Whatface.More credits.Powered by Jinn. Cheat Engine :: View topic - LotR - Battle mifdle Middle-Earth 2 PACK (GM and More)Cheat EngineThe Official Site of Cheat EngineFAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups RegisterProfile Log in bzttle check your private messages Log inLotR - Battle for Middle-Earth 2 PACK (GM and More)Cheat Engine Forum Index-> TablesView previous topic :: View next topicAuthorMessageRecifenseI post lrd much Reputation: 147Joined: 17 Mar 2008Posts: 3369Location: Pernambuco - BrazilPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:45 pm Post subject: LotR - Battle for Middle-Earth 2 PACK (GM and More)Hi guys,Here is my contribution for " Lord of the Ring - Battle for Middle-Earth 2 Pack":- Lord of the Ring - Battle for Middle-Earth 2 version 1.6.2429.30210- Lord of the Ring - Battle for Middle-Earth 2 rhe The Rise of lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 unlimited command points Witch-King version 2.1.2614.37001The table contains two scripts (one for each version) with the following features:- Minimum Resource; (valid in the RTS part of the game)- God Mode; (valid in the RTS part of the game)- Minimum Power Points; (valid in the RTS part of the game)- Unlimited Command Points; (valid in the RTS part of the game)- Unlimited Spent Population; (valid in the TBS part of the game) (BFME2)- Unlimited Spent Gold; (valid in the TBS part of the game) (BFME2 WK)The table also contains (when the one of the scripts is active):- Enable/Disable Minimum Resource; (*)- Enable/Disable God Mode; (*)- Enable/Disable Minimum Power Point; (*)- Enable/Disable Unlimited Command Points; (*)- Enable/Disable Unlimited Spent Population; (*) (BFME2)- War of the Ring Maximum Population; (BFME2)- Enable/Disable Unlimited Spent Gold; (*) (BFME2 - WK)- War of the Ring Initial Gold; (BFME2 - WK)(*) These features are commqnd by default.

For disabling any of them, just change its value to 0;Note: Please have a look at the Table Extras for more information.Note: The script now uses the new CE command assert and will not load if unliimted is incompatible with the running game version.After un,imited the table, rename it to Game.CT and copy it to the "My Cheat Table" folder.It is for CE 6.1NOTE:This commanx was created specially for Tyreal_Kane. The guy who:- Asked for it;- Pointed out from where I could download them (game + exp);- Pointed out from where I could download the patches for them (game + exp);- Pointed out from where I could download the cracks for unlimmited (game + exp);- Had tested them (game + exp).Cheers for TK.Saluton por vi! Don't think TRAINER, think TABLE.MSG: 2008/2015 (Marth,17th) 7 years of contribution.

Thank you all for the supportSTATUS: Following Up.NO NEW TABLE. ONLY MAINTENACE OF SOME OLD ONES.Back to topTyrael_KaneMaster Cheater Reputation: 1Joined: 03 Aug 2010Posts: 269Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:15 pm Post subject:There's no need to thank me.Overall, I should be the midle thanking you!Back to topschviedlerMaster Cheater Reputation: 0Joined: 20 Mar 2012Posts: 5Location: Meerut, UP, INDIA, ASIA.Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:28 am Post subject: TableIts not Working for me,or lprd don'r know ow to make baytle worksafter playing a bit of skirmish map,i open the CE & Load the CT,i saw two option (script)both were Dis-activated,& pointe tried a lot but no Gain,could you tell please me the Address to which i should write riings & Values,i tried to read script but That is out of my mind_________________ Reputation: 0Joined: 07 Oct 2013Posts: 25Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:43 pm Post subject:Another one that needs an update of some sort.

I'm even using the 1.06 patch yet the table still doesn't work._________________ BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!Back to topDisplay posts from previous:Cheat Engine Forum Index-> TablesAll times are GMT - 6 HoursPage 1 of 1Jump to:You cannot post new topics in this forumYou cannot reply to topics in this forumYou cannot edit your posts in this forumYou cannot delete your posts in this forumYou cannot vote in polls in this o cannot attach files in this forumYou can download files in this forum

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